
And Gave Unto Them The Labourers Unto Endtime Harvest, A Heart Of Flesh/HUMAN BEING

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear February 7/8 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM,  2023,  Hearing GO AND GET THE TWELVE HEIRS/, PRAY FOR ALL THE HUMAN BEINGS AT THE WAILING WALL! Eze 9/See Prophet Ezekiel 36;26/ Apostle Paul's Rom 12:1, 2;  See here, AND A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM!!!! Here lately, reminded GOD So LOVED The World That He Gave HIS Only Begotten Son; only because of the Genesis, man, marriage Abomination of earth women and fallen angels, endangering The Birth of GOD'S ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, GOD also So Loved The World, HE reduced Noah's evil days ,down to one Ark family; marvel not, at present a designed Noah's Ark to Aqua Era, surrounding an alike Genesis man, marriage Abomination, Noah's day,  EXTINCTION  LEVEL GOD,  The same-  gender ,agenda to school curriculum , endangering all children, The Future ROYAL PRIESTHOOD; GOD IS NOT MOCKED, be ye doers of THE WORD/RIGHTEOUSNES
     -Article...As Ian Livingston of the Capital Weather Gang and pointed out, the track of Irma seemed to take the "least bad option" through the Florida Peninsula. Article,      -Seem to be seeing an Angel heaven-ward having a pitcher in hand, pouring water on the earth, (see only a few nights past, 'Noah's Cousin,' as in NOAA, as in dangers from above, Apb      -This is what Apostle mean, some of the most unheard of  outbreaks of disasters, Earthquakes, Eruptions,  Infernos,  hurricanes, Tornadoes, Solar Flares with Nibiru pending. These abrupt monsters holding Millions in danger, hardly claiming any, also this mystery.      -My phone flickered mysteriously I probably wouldn't have paid much attention, except I saw the time, the numbers 11:04, 11/04, even in the news lately. For those following this Ministry, prophecies, then you know this date, 2013. That it
-I spent a lot of time writing in the sand the word HURRY, meaning Jesus, Prince of Peace hurry along and get me, us. I stood the kitchen a day ago with tears in my eyes, washing dishes. Now that Jesus is here, just as Holy Spirits forewarn 2015, I guess suffering separation to escape anxiety. I'm sad about leaving, knowing now how hard it was for Jesus departing the disciples, the ailing world, knowing this outreach ministry is finished. -Though reminded Betty, just as America must fulfill a type of Revelation 18 it's end and Israel must fulfill Daniel's final week. We the Righteous Bride must fulfill marriage suppers into the sounding of the seventh trumpet angel. So our departure right now is a must, we're off to a heaven to earth ministry. coming and or going with the 7th angel, 2017-2024, fulfilling the call 2003 to "mark 17 and 7," so all bless my heart, come with Us to Jesus, see here

One Way Prayer

One Way Prayer    -America Have You Ever Been Called Into Exodus, As The Days Of Moses Egypt/Ten Plagues, Before?    -I just want to warn those reading here, these are the times, signs, wonder's of Irma/Jose and prophetic fulfillment Jesus described as this one sure knowing that an end hath come. America, weight of blood guilt, weighed and judged Dec, 2001, until 190 months be fulfillment, Oct. 2017, will, is meeting with it's removal as world rule, understand! Automatically just as Israel's New Year, feast of trumpets spin the Bride into a heaven bound escape.    -It's own nation into the last week of Daniel, deemed Jacob's troubles, as so America into a long prophesied by unimaginable cataclysms right now. This needful evacuation into exodus, pending, threatening right now between an Asian Invasion into a Yellowstone type eruption. A prophesied eclipse 2017, seeming whose si

America Have Ever Fallen Into Exodus Before?

Article, Millions of U.S. citizens could end up in Brazil, Australia, or Argentina if the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts, it has been claimed. South African news website  Praag  claims the African National Congress was offered $10 billion a year for 10 years if it would build temporary housing for Americans in case of an eruption as part of contingency plans being drawn up. Bloggers and conspiracy theorists have spent weeks debating the plans since it was claimed video showed animals fleeing the area - even though park rangers said they were in fact scared by tourists. Article. Read more: Prophecy     -And I Heard In My Hearing 2013,
    -Blaming The Globalist, Holy Spirits told me, and as surely as they did,I, apostle in turn told you, "get ye to repent altars, God is avenging martyred blood," it's what Revelation mean when it asked these thousands of years now, "and who shall be able to stand?" see R ev. 6th chapter, 5th seal Seen To Seeing The Lamb's Book Of Life Open, Crafted Into Both A Stunning Roll Call, And Mysterious Census Taking, Whosoever Name Isn't Written There, Is Cast Into A Lake Of Fire, eze. 9, Rev. 20, Beware, -When a command went out 2017 that all parents be killed by, that all schools be finished, right into Obama's Administration having the beast of revelation 13. His two weeks and seven years timetable spent into a pending Cameron's Brexit, and Jesus' Millennium, both the Brides and Western rule exit. Now a dwindling superpower, one whose ending judgments as predicted these 190 months into Israel's feast o

An End Has Come Upon All Three Corners And Then The Fourth, Beware!

-Did The 9.3 Class Solar Flare, Increase The Western Seaboard Locked And Loaded And Primed Into Mass Destruction And Extinction Levels, Already, Increase This Ability To Activate Right Along I Predicted The Trajectory Of Eclipse 2017 Did Make, Judgement Now, This Predicted Out Break Of Mortuary Right Now Unknowingly Stampeding Americans Southeast Into Exodus? Beware, Apb Prophecy Links -Seen to be seeing Americans in the slowest of motions of exodus, but an exodus no less, until a giant maze of a homeless shelter hath them, into patiently awaiting a single water cooler, then a woman bearing black bowls and business cards for better homeless shelters approaches, this amazing grace of divine intervention, beware, ApbDon't Die, Live, Your Immortal Soul Beckons You, Get Out! Fret Not Thyself, Rather Trust, Delight And Commit, God Will www,thefourthofthegodhead15.blogspot -Look you guys the world is ending as has been prophesied