-Article...As Ian Livingston of the Capital Weather Gang and ustornadoes.com pointed out, the track of Irma seemed to take the "least bad option" through the Florida Peninsula. Article, https://weather.com/storms/hurricane/news/hurricane-irma-could-have-been-worse

     -Seem to be seeing an Angel heaven-ward having a pitcher in hand, pouring water on the earth, (see only a few nights past, 'Noah's Cousin,' as in NOAA, as in dangers from above, Apb

     -This is what Apostle mean, some of the most unheard of  outbreaks of disasters, Earthquakes, Eruptions,  Infernos,  hurricanes, Tornadoes, Solar Flares with Nibiru pending. These abrupt monsters holding Millions in danger, hardly claiming any, also this mystery.
     -My phone flickered mysteriously I probably wouldn't have paid much attention, except I saw the time, the numbers 11:04, 11/04, even in the news lately. For those following this Ministry, prophecies, then you know this date, 2013. That it mark's the most surreal, to the most awful display of a lost life.
     As predicted of Western rule brand, since hearing the chant, 2002 and 2017, that fifty million will die. Only this time was this said unspeakable toll on life featured as a funeral reef tearing from a paper route into heavens skies, get Jesus or, and get Southeast, America's Exodus, Apb, the RAM

Texting, Posting, Commenting All these Epistles Of Love, Jesus' Reign Is Come, No Flesh Will Stand, None, Get Jesus, Become Holy Spirit

     -Hey Ericka (daughter-in-law), I really miss ya'll, look  Mack as a Jesus husband before ascension (dying, 2012, the pending Brexit 2016) moved all his grands to Georgia doing a 2015 dream because of a Yellowstone or alternate type of extinction level event, possibly taking eclipse 2017 trajectory that's brewing, nearing, even Nuclear war Us soil. Now because of Meka's (daughter-in-law), mom here we are in Georgia two years exactly to the month and date of this dream. There will be an evacuation from the West but only after Millions are dead, possibly the fury God shot at America's pending Presidential 2016 elections, this include all of Tennessee. I been warn farther, according to this 2015 dream Georgia, as in Southeast is the only safe place temporarily to be when this happen, why a Jesus/Mack moved us there.
     The same guy, Dutchsinse who warn of Mexico 8.1, is warning about alike activity, on the west coast, why I chose this article one of many, even FEMA, warning the same this, only with dutchsinse, like with Mexico you're see this Mega Monster coming. For 31 years, I predicted all that's happening right now, you know this, everyone in my family know this, if you and yours are caught unaware it won't be because you weren't warn. I warn that by October 2017 something gonna end 190 years of this country's technology unlike recent monsters killing and crippling millions, don't be anywhere near the West, the Midsouth, nor the Mideast, be with Jesus or be Southeast into complete exodus, see www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com, see www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com, as I warn, get Jesus and get out!

Part two

Hey everybody, as you know by now the world is ending here in America first, it was predicted by me, Apostle Dec. 2001 to end by Oct. 2017. Things will get better only into the next Master, Mega to Godzilla monster disaster, tens of millions US soil will die. The next Godzilla monster could be a Nuclear Kim/Asia, Nibiru to a Yellowstone ELE, then the Bride is taken. So it's best to rest in Jesus, www.2016onewayprayer.blogspot.com. Though if not, get out of the West coast, midsouth, mideast, nothing American, West will stand. But for a time, why thousands are being spared the Southeast. While holy Spirits were getting the bride to heaven, their merciful hearts were getting everyone else to Georgia, to the Southeast, America is an Exodus, no more West rule anywhere, stop thinking American, so we're talking like Ghana Africa, my niece have a husband there, I learn has a Sept 23rd B.D. not a coincidence, not by far, that's the Bride's predicted escape. But now your children, your grands, thus your heart is in most danger, get Southeast, now, right now, 2x's Godzilla is formenting. Apb The RAM

Further, I believe Mack was ascended so as this Jesus husband his mission would be to warn us about getting out of Memphis, the West, Mid east three times, then warn of dangers from above, like the word days past, Noah's cousin, as in NOAA. I believe Meka mom ascended it's third try to drive us to Georgia, exactly two years, to the month and date, of the Georgia dream, even to afford it. I believe niece Kim married an African, born male the very B. D. of the Rev. 12 sign, now 2017, predicted the Georgia dream 2015, as the Bride's to America's escape. So this mean my nephew Dudly (Terry), unknowingly but moved to Georgia the same time as we, after his son, his heart, Meka mom hers, what reapers targeted into stamedes, the heart. That theirs, ours like all relocations here, are to act as an incentive to the sacrifices we all have to make. The moving to Georgia dream showed us one thing, something so cataclysmic happen, 190 years was lost, that it urgent the Bride away. That it was like She, the Bride asked, what about America, the world? Now this silence in heaven, then perhaps my only Grand, oldest grand. Then station in Georgia, come this catalyst of Amazing grace for pending Trib. Saints. Her B. D. the one Presidential inarguation like 4 nations in a block 2002, his was declared as the death of fifty million. No doubt the 2'xs Godzilla monster I predicted, as so Rev. 6, 6th seal www.thephoenix1012.blogspot.com
No more saying, thinking, persuading this is not happening, Jesus be gone with the Bride and you'll be left with your should've, would've, could've's. As so stop saying no man know the hour, we're thousands of years later, 13 years past Angel Gabriel saying we're it. Mostly we're the Righteous Bride, expected to know the year, month and season as need be, taken in a nanosecond that can't be measured, blink and you'll miss it. Apb, The Ram


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